A local circuit-basis for spatial navigation and memory processes in hippocampal area CA1
T Geiller, JB Priestley, A Losonczy. Current Opinion in Neurobiology (accepted)

Signatures of rapid plasticity in hippocampal CA1 representations during novel experiences
JB Priestley, JC Bowler, SV Rolotti, S Fusi, A Losonczy. Neuron (2022)

Reorganization of CA1 dendritic dynamics by hippocampal sharp wave ripples during learning
SV Rolotti, H Blockus, FT Sparks, JB Priestley,  A Losonczy. Neuron (2022)

Hippocampal network reorganization underlies the formation of a temporal association memory
M Ahmed*, JB Priestley*A Castro, F Stefanini, EW Balough, E Lavoie, L Mazzucato, S Fusi, A Losonczy. Neuron (2020)

Brainstem nucleus incertus controls contextual memory formation
A Szonyi, KE Kos, R Nyilas, D Schlingloff, A Domonkos, VT Takacs, JB Priestley, B Posfai, P Hegedus, Z Bardoczi, AL Gundlach, V Varga, AI Gulyas, A Losonczy, G Nyiri. Science (2018)

Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing interneurons in the hippocampus support goal-oriented spatial learning
G Turi, W Li, S Chavlis, I Pandi, J O'Hare, JB Priestley, AD Grosmark, Z Liao, L Ladow, JF Zhang, BV Zemelman, P Poirazi, A Losonczy. Neuron (2018).

Medial entorhinal cortex selectively supports temporal coding by hippocampal neurons
NTM Robinson*, JB Priestley*, JW Rueckemann, AD Garcia, VA Smeglin, FA Marino, HB Eichenbaum. Neuron (2017)

* indicates joint lead authors